Every car goes down in value after purchase, and if you happen to find yourself in an accident, you could be closer to exceeding what your vehicle is worth and the amount of your loan. Luckily, if you’ve financed your vehicle from Grace Auto Group, you have gap (guaranteed asset protection) insurance for free! If your car suffers a total loss or is stolen, the “gap” between what your insurance pays out and the remainder of your loan in the event of a total loss.*
Stay Ahead of Accidents with Grace Auto Group
Every vehicle is eligible for this promotion, so there’s no reason not to take advantage of this $500 value for free. Instead of taking the risk and assuming that your car isn’t going to be affected by any external factors, you will have peace-of-mind if something ever does happen, and you’ll also avoid the burden on your wallet. When it comes to saving you money and giving you the most out of your purchase, there’s no place like Grace!
*Gap insurance protects the customer’s loan in the case of a total loss or theft, not car repairs. Even though we are providing it for free, Grace does not pay actual claims, and the contract is facilitated through a contract with a third party.